dell dimension, no hardware recognized after reinstalling XP -home,
(too old to reply)
2005-01-26 09:37:26 UTC
After an uncleanable problem i decided to reinstall XP home on my dell
dimension. The whole procedure runs normal, but none of the hardware
(NIC, AGP, USB, etc) is recognized and will not reinstall either.
Suse linux 9.2 works fine in between tries though . the original
resource cd by dell doesn't bring the wanted result either, all
software is legit, no cracks,
anyone an idea?
Lew Pitcher
2005-01-27 02:35:31 UTC
Post by gerrit
After an uncleanable problem i decided to reinstall XP home on my dell

I'm sorry, but this forum can't help you.

You see, the comp.windows.x.apps forum is for the discussion of applications
that use the X network protocol to interact with graphical windowing
environments. This forum has nothing to do with Microsoft Windows except
perhaps discussing X application implementations on that platform.

Your question has nothing to do with X applications, and probably should be
asked in one of the comp.os.ms-windows.* newsgroups instead.

I'm sorry,

- --
Lew Pitcher

Master Codewright & JOAT-in-training | GPG public key available on request
Registered Linux User #112576 (http://counter.li.org/)
Slackware - Because I know what I'm doing.
